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5 Fun Facts about Puppies

Everyone loves a good smooshy puppy with those adorable big eyes and puppy breath.  These 5 facts will give you even more to love about those cute little four legged creatures.  

cute Golden Retriever puppies
Cute Puppies

1. Puppies are born deaf, blind and without teeth. 

They also cannot smell when first born.  Their first sense to develop is touch, which happens almost the moment they are born. The reason they are born with the lack of sense is because the gestation period for dogs is only 2 months.  This does not leave enough time for all their senses to develop.  

2. All puppies are born with blue eyes.

It can take up to three months for the color of the puppy’s eyes to fully develop.  Some puppies will have blue eyes for life but the most common eye color for a dog is brown.  The rarest dog eye color is green.  

3. Puppies can be identical twins. 

Even though there are many puppies in most litters, they are usually genetically different.  Twins were not discovered until 2016 when a veterinarian in South Africa delivered puppies via a C-section and noted that 2 of the 7 puppies shared a placenta.  After genetic testing it was confirmed they were identical twins. 

4. Puppies hair/fur coat can change as they get older.

Puppies are born with soft fur that typically sheds between 4 to 6 months.  The adult fur can be darker, lighter, or have spots in different locations.  Dalmatian puppies are all born white and do not develop spots until they are older.  

5. There is a scientific reason why we love puppies so much!

It is called the “baby schema” effect, which says a release of the chemicals dopamine and oxytocin are triggered in the brain when humans look, listen to, and smell puppies.  This is the same thing that happens when humans look at babies and fall in love. This makes us subconsciously want to love and care for puppies.  

sleeping puppies
3 sleeping puppies

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