Most people know that hot weather can pose health risks to their dogs, but did you know the cold can be dangerous as well?

Know your pet's temperature preference to keep them warm.
If you have a short coated breed, it may be a good idea to put a sweater or jacket on them when they are outside. Cold weather breeds, such as Alaskan Malamutes or Husky's can sit in the snow all day and have a great time. If your dog does not seem to like the cold, they probably don't want to be out in it, and it would be best to limit the amount of time they are outside when it is cold.
Avoid getting short haircuts on your dog if they have longer fur.
Thick fur keeps dogs warm and protected from harsh environmental elements. If you need to get a short hair cut for your dog, then make sure to put a jacket on them when they are outside.
Protect your dog's paws.
Ice can be sharp and snow can hide sharp objects under it. Ice melt and salt can cause chemical burns on your dog's paws. Placing dog boots or paw protectors on your dog's feet will keep them warm and safe. If their paw pads do become cracked, using dog paw balms can be soothing.
Keep your dog on a leash.
Avoid letting your dog off leash when there is snow on the ground because they can lose their scent and become lost more easily. More dogs are lost in the winter than any other season. Make sure your dog is wearing a collar with their identification and a way to be contacted in case they do get lost.
Clean up antifreeze or winter weather windshield fluid as it is very toxic to dogs.
Ethylene glycol is the active product in most antifreeze automotive products. It is a sweet tasting, odorless liquid. It is highly toxic, as little as half a teaspoon per pound can be fatal. If you suspect that your dog has ingested anti-freeze you should seek veterinary care IMMEDIATELY. The antidote is only effective if given within 8 hours of ingestion.