Trimming dogs nails can be a chore and often a stressful experience for both dog and owners. Making sure you have the right tools to get the job done is important. If you have a small dog (or cat) then using nail trimmers that are in a scissor style is best- ones like these Small dog and cat nail trimmers are great. Scissor style nail trimmers also really helpful if you have a dog whose nails like to grow towards the paw pad. These can be easily squeezed in between the nail and paw pad without causing any trauma.
If you have a larger dog, the small nail trimmers are going to break or not help you get through their tough nails. These Large dog nail trimmers are great for getting through larger dog's hard nails without hurting your hand.
Nail Dremels are a really great way to trim any dogs nails without creating sharp edges. However, unless your dog is trained as a puppy to tolerate the sound and vibrations it causes on their feet, they are unlikely to allow you to use a dremel on them.
If you are going to be trimming your dog's nails at home you should also make sure you are prepared for making them bleed. Do not worry, it looks like a lot of blood but it really isn't and it does not hurt as much as it looks like it does. Have you ever trimmed your own nail short? It hurts but it is not excruciating. Make sure you have Kwik Stop to apply to the nail to stop the bleeding.
Great tips! Any suggestions for cats? Thank you!