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Keeping Your Dog Hydrated in Hot Weather

Dog in a yard panting

Ensuring your dog stays hydrate in hot weather is crucial for their overall health and wellbeing. Dogs can quickly become dehydrated which can lead to overheating and heat stroke. Here are some tips to keep your dog hydrated and safe in the heat of the summer:

Provide Fresh, Clean Water

Always make sure that your dog has access to fresh, cool water when they are indoors and when they are outdoors. If you are out for a walk or hiking with your dog, it is important to bring a collapsible water bowl or other portable water dispenser for your dog. Check one out here. If they are at home and tend to not be good water drinkers, sometimes using a water fountain can encourage them to drink more.

Use Ice Cubes

Many dogs love ice cubes and even think they are a special treat. You can add them to their water bowls to encourage increased water consumption. You can make special ice cube treats by adding a little low sodium meat broth to the water and freezing or adding fruit such as blueberries, banana, or apple slices to the water prior to freezing.

Add Wet Food

Wet food has much more water in it than dry food. You can add some wet food into your dog's kibble to trick them to eating a little more water. You can also add water to their food, with or without the wet food. If you add warm water to their food and let it sit for 5 minutes prior to feeding, the water absorbs into the food so it is not so soupy.

Feed them Hydrating Treats

Aside from ice cubes you can feed them watermelon and cucumbers which have a very large amount of water in them as well. You can freeze them as well to make them a little more crunchy, if your dog likes that texture better. You can make cooling pupsicles using plain yogurt, peanut butter, and fruit.

Keep them Cool when Outside

Make sure you take breaks in the shade when the weather is hot outside. Allow them to drink water when on your shaded break. You can purchase cooling vests to use when walking outside that help prevent your dog from overheating. Check one out here. Avoid walking your dog during the peak heat hours, instead walk them early in the morning or after the sun has set.

Keeping your dog hydrated in hot weather is essential for their health. By following these tips, you can ensure your dog stays cool, hydrated, and happy during the warm months. Always monitor your dog's behavior and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about their hydration or overall health.

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