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Memorial Day Hazards

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

dog with American flag

While you are enjoying the holiday weekend, be careful with your four legged friends. Make sure to prevent your dog from getting sick by preventing these 5 common Memorial Day Weekend Hazards.

Corn Cobs. All sized corn cobs are dangerous to dogs. Most of the time when a dog eats a corn cob they swallow it whole which means it can cause an intestinal obstruction. If you see your dog eat a corn cob, it is important to take them to the veterinarian immediately so you can have it taken care of before your dog feels sick from an intestinal obstruction.

corn cob

Salt water. Salt water can cause vomiting and diarrhea when ingested in small amounts. However when ingested in large quantities it can cause electrolyte abnormalities that can lead to severe neurological signs. Salt water can be irritating to dogs skin and cause their fur to become dry and brittle. Make sure to rinse them off after swimming.

ocean waves

Fireworks. Make sure that your dog does not come close enough to fireworks to become injured when they deploy. Many dogs are terrified of firwork sounds, so make sure they are secured inside in a safe area. Fireworks are a common reason for dogs running away and getting lost. If you veterinarian has prescribed medication to help your dog cope with fireworks, make sure to give it!

fireworks in the sky

Barbecue hazards. Make sure your dog stays away from hot coals. Many BBQ foods are harmful if ingested by dogs. Hot dogs and the fat from any meat can cause severe gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea, but can also lead to pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can be life threatening and is typically cause by your dog ingesting too much fat. Chicken, rib and steak bones can cause gastrointestinal obstructions. Make sure to keep any garbage out of your dog's reach.

grill with meat cooking

Heat hazards. Heat stroke can happen when your dog does not have access to shade and fresh water. Make sure that you are keeping an eye on how long your dog has been in the sun. If they are getting hot you should get them into air conditioning or hose them off with water. Heat stroke can lead to death if left untreated.

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