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When your dog gets sprayed by a skunk

skunk spraying
Skunk spraying

The scenario plays out in your yard... you let your dog out for their last night time bathroom break and you hear lots of barking and commotion from the yard. You look out and your dog is cornering a skunk. Before you can run out the door and get your dog away, pshhhhh, your dog is sprayed in the face by a skunk. This happens more often then you would think in the dog world. So now your dog reeks of skunk spray. Since they are often sprayed in the face they may be having issues with their eyes and maybe some drooling because it got in their mouth.

If your dog is squinting, please call your veterinarian immediately to make sure there is no damage to the eye from the caustic spray, also their may have been contact with the skunk who could have scratched their eyes. You can try flushing the eyes with water to help get some immediate relief. If they are drooling, offer the plenty of fresh water to drink and maybe a few treats to try to get the bad taste out of their mouth. I have seen dogs actually vomit from getting spray in their mouth, a visit to the vet for some anti-nausea medication may be necessary to help them feel more comfortable.

Now comes the fun part of getting the smell off of them. There are many different at home remedies such as oatmeal baths, tomato baths, and beer baths. These are not very effective at all. More effective are commercial products like, Skunk Off. However, often skunk sprays happen at night and there may be no where to get any commercial product. The formula listed below uses common household ingredients and is highly effective at removing the skunk smell. Please note with any of these methods it often takes several baths and time for the smell to finally go away. I have often seen dogs months after a skunk spray that still smell when they get wet.

The Best Skunk Spray Wash Formula:

  • 1/4 cup baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon baby shampoo or liquid dish soap

  • 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide

Mix it together in an open container and use immediately. Apply and lather, and let sit for five minutes. Repeating is often necessary, but be warned that the hydrogen peroxide could lighten hair or fur. Also be careful to not let the mixture get into your dog's eyes.

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